
本节包含有关驾驶(完全配置的)自动驾驶仪控制车辆的主题。 它涵盖了(自动驾驶仪辅助)手动飞行和完全自主飞行的任务规划。

首航指南 - 确保您的第一次飞行愉快、有教育意义和安全的指南。

Flying 101 — How to fly a vehicle manually, using an RC Transmitter.

Missions — How to fly an autonomous mission.

GeoFence — How to set a geofence.

Rally Points — How to plan safe-return landing points (rally points).

Flight Modes — Summary table + detailed information about flight modes.

Terrain Follow/Hold & Range Assistance — How to enable terrain following.

Vehicle Status Notifications can help you work out when your vehicle is ready to fly (and if not, why not).

© PX4 Dev Team. License: CC BY 4.0            Updated: 2020-04-28 03:05:04

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