


  • 切换到mission视图
  • 在左上选择 添加航点 ("加号") 图标。
  • 点击地图添加航点。
  • 使用右侧的航点列表修改航点参数和类型。底部的高度指示器提供每个航点的相对高度。
  • 完成后, 单击 上载 按钮 (右上), 将任务发送到飞行器。

You can also use the Pattern tool to automate creation of survey grids.

For more information see the QGroundControl User Guide.


Setting Vehicle Yaw

If set, a multi-rotor vehicle will yaw to face the Heading value specified in the target waypoint (corresponding to MAV_CMD_NAV_WAYPOINT.param4).

If Heading has not been explicitly set for the target waypoint (param4=NaN) then the vehicle will yaw towards a location specified in the parameter MPC_YAW_MODE. By default this is the next waypoint.

Vehicle types that cannot independently control yaw and direction of travel will ignore yaw settings (e.g. Fixed Wing).


Once the mission is uploaded, switch to the flight view. The mission is displayed in a way that makes it easy to track progress (it cannot be modified in this view).


© PX4 Dev Team. License: CC BY 4.0            Updated: 2020-04-28 03:05:04

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