Wing Wing Z-84 Pixracer Build

The Wing Wing Z-84 is our gold standard airframe - small, rugged and just large enough to host a Pixracer.

Key information:

  • Frame: Wing Wing Z-84
  • Flight controller: Pixracer

Wing Wing Z-84 build

Parts List

Z-84 Plug n' Fly (PNF/PNP) or Kit

One of these:

PNF (or "PNP") versions include motor, propeller and electronic speed controller. The "kit" version does not include these components, which must be purchased separately.

Electronic Speed Controller (ESC)

One of these (any small (>=12A) ESC will do):

Autopilot and Essential Components


The wiring below is valid for Pixhawk and Pixracer. Use the main outputs, not the ones labeled with AUX. The motor controller needs to have an in-built BEC, as the autopilot is not powering the servo rail.

Port 接口定义
RC IN PPM or S.BUS / S.BUS2 input
MAIN 1 Left Aileron
MAIN 2 Right Aileron
MAIN 3 Empty
MAIN 4 Throttle

Build Log

The images below give a rough idea about the assembly process, which is simple and can be done with a hot glue gun.

wing wing build01 wing wing build02 wing wing build03 wing wing build04 wing wing build09 Wing Wing Z-84 build

Airframe Configuration

Select the Z-84 in the flying wing section of the QGC airframe config:

QGC - select firmware for West Wing

© PX4 Dev Team. License: CC BY 4.0            Updated: 2020-04-28 03:05:04

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